2 min
Steakholder Foods
Dec 9, 2021

World’s largest lab-grown steak unveiled by Israeli firm

The largest lab-grown steak yet produced has been unveiled by the Israeli company Steakholder Foods weighing in at nearly 4oz (110 grams).

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The largest lab-grown steak yet produced has been unveiled by the Israeli company Steakholder Foods, formerly MeaTech 3D, weighing in at nearly 4oz (110 grams).

The steak is composed of real muscle and fat cells, derived from tissue samples taken from a cow. Living bovine stem cells were incorporated into “bio-inks” that were then placed in the company’s 3D printer to produce the steak. It was then matured in an incubator, in which the stem cells differentiated into fat and muscle cells.

Companies across the world are racing to produce cell-cultured meat, arguing that creating meat without raising and slaughtering livestock is better for the environment, animal welfare and potentially health.

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