6 min
Steakholder Foods
Aug 15, 2023

Cell Based Meat

Explore the revolutionary world of cell-based meat, where science meets sustainability in the future of food production

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What is Cell Based Meat and why it's a rising trend in the food industry

Have you ever given thought to how meat gets from the farm to your plate? We are all familiar with traditional farming methods in which animals are raised and then slaughtered for food consumption.

But there’s a new solution, called cell-based meat, that may completely revolutionize our way of eating.

Cell based meat, also known as cultured or lab-grown meat, is created using cells taken from living animals and culturing them until they become edible products – without having to actually raise an animal!

This groundbreaking technology has sparked heated debates in science and business circles but why?

Read on to understand the implications of this new form of ‘clean alternative protein’ on the food industry.

Cell based meat, also known as lab-grown meat, is a revolutionary food product that is gaining popularity among consumers and retailers. It is made by extracting cells from an animal and using them to grow muscle tissue in a laboratory setting.

The final product is a meat-like substance that has the same taste and texture as conventional meat, but without the environmental and ethical concerns associated with traditional animal farming.

As the world faces pressing issues such as climate change, animal welfare, and food security, cell based meat seems like a viable solution that could potentially transform the global food industry.

The benefits of cell based meat over traditional farming methods

In recent years, the concept of cell based meat has been gaining attention as a potential solution to many of the problems associated with traditional farming methods.

This type of meat is grown from animal cells in a lab setting, which means that there is no need for animal slaughter or the use of antibiotics and hormones.

In addition, cell based meat has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and water usage associated with traditional farming methods.

While there are still some scientific and regulatory hurdles to overcome, cell based meat represents an exciting opportunity to create a more sustainable and ethical food system.

How cell based meat production can help reduce the environmental impact of traditional agriculture

In recent years, the concerns over environmental impact caused by traditional agriculture have grown significantly.

Not only do sustainable and ethical practices need to be implemented, but we also need to consider innovative solutions.

One such solution might be cell based meat production.

This is a process in which animal meat is grown in a lab from animal muscle cells, removing the need for traditional animal farming.

This approach could significantly reduce the environmental impact of agriculture as it would require much less land, water, and other resources, and would have a drastically lower carbon footprint.

Additionally, ethical concerns over animal welfare in traditional agriculture could be alleviated, as the animals are not being raised for the purpose of food production.

While there will undoubtedly be challenges associated with the production of cell based meat, it is certainly a promising development for those concerned with reducing the environmental impact of our food systems.

How technology has enabled the development of cell based meat

The concept of growing meat outside of an animal might have seemed like science fiction just a few short years ago.

But today, cell-based meat is becoming a reality, thanks to advances in technology.

Rather than raising animals on farms, scientists are growing meat from animal cells in a lab.

This innovation could have a huge impact on the food industry and could change the way we think about meat consumption.

Those who support cell-based meat say that it could be more sustainable and could reduce greenhouse gas emissions. While there are still many challenges to overcome, the potential benefits of cell-based meat are undeniable.

Developing cell based meats

Potential legal and regulatory implications for the sale of cell based meat products

As cell based meat production continues to gain momentum, the legal and regulatory implications surrounding its sale are becoming increasingly important to consider.

While these products are designed to mimic traditional meat, they are not derived from living animals, which raises unique questions about their classification and safety.

Some experts argue that cell based meat should be regulated like traditional meat products, while others believe that it should fall under a new category altogether.

Regardless of how they are classified, it is clear that proper oversight and regulation will be crucial to ensuring the safety and quality of cell based meat for consumers.

As this emerging industry continues to grow and evolve, it will be interesting to see how lawmakers and regulatory bodies grapple with these complex issues.

In conclusion, as cell based meat is becoming more of a trend in the food industry, it’s worth considering the scientific and ethical implications that come with it.

It is one of the major potential solutions for reducing the environmental impact of traditional agriculture.

With the right technology and with further research, this product could be an innovative way to obtain proteins without relying on animal sources.

Although some health risks have been identified, if produced correctly, cell based meat can be safe to consume.

Furthermore, legal and regulatory implications should be taken into account regarding safety measures and labeling requirements for cell-based products.

If you’re interested in keeping up to date with all news and developments concerning this new rising trend, sign up to our newsletter.

More sustainable way to eat meat

Steakholder Foods, formerly MeaTech 3D, Trip to POM Facility 

Part 1 of this blog series outlined the Steakholder Foods, formerly MeaTech 3D, executive team’s trip to the Peace of Meat (POM) facility in Belgium. COVID-19 restrictions had long delayed us from meeting our colleagues face-to-face for the first time, so it was no coincidence that our visit coincided with the long-awaited lifting of restrictions of Belgium.

As we entered Antwerp, the sun was shining, and people were everywhere — filling the sidewalks, cafes, and restaurants. The happiness was palpable, and our Israeli contingent felt privileged to be in Belgium at that moment. While at the POM facilities, we toured the labs, met the science team, and tasted the chicken fat they’ve been cultivating to be a perfect ingredient for making fully plant-based foods taste more like their real meat counterparts. We had opportunities to experience the region’s Jewish community and culture as well.

On the business side, the visit helped our head office team better understand the challenges and needs of our Belgian colleagues. Together, we built the market vision for POM’s avian cell technology – identifying potential customers and companies that might become partners, examining how we might enhance business relationships, and more. We are confident that the roadmap we defined and refined will help us realize our goal of making the hybrid products developed in our Belgian labs important ingredients in foods of all sorts in the future.

In Belgium, POM already is viewed as a food-tech superstar. Government officials are enthusiastic about POM and Belgium becoming a hub for cultivated meat products. In fact, representatives of the Antwerp municipality and the Flanders government investment department made a point of joining our visit. They expressed their excitement at POM’s business development and we had productive discussions as to how they might best support our business endeavors. They are eager to create a highly supportive business environment for the Steakholder Foods, formerly MeaTech 3D, Group in their country. This support is very important, as a key challenge facing the cultivated meat industry is cost-efficient production.

Now that we’re back in Israel, we remain very encouraged that the first hybrid products based on Peace of Meat technology could reach the market as early as next year. This aligns with our plans for setting up and operating a pilot cultivated chicken fat manufacturing plant in Belgium by 2022.

Many thanks to our colleagues in Belgium for a wonderful visit. We look forward to many more.

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